Mind Muscle Project

types of DIABETES

There are several ways your body can struggle with managing blood sugar, leading to diabetes. Here’s a breakdown of the main types of Diabetes & the mechanism behind them.

Type 1 Diabetes:

It is a condition where there isn’t enough Insulin in your body to keep your blood sugar down.

Imagine your body is like a house, and insulin is the key that unlocks doors to let sugar enter your cells for energy.
In Type 1, your immune system attacks the “key makers” (insulin-producing cells) in your pancreas, leaving you with little to no insulin. This is a genetic condition often diagnosed in childhood. You’ll need lifelong external insulin to manage your blood sugar. While a low-carb diet might reduce insulin needs, it won’t eliminate them.

Type 2 Diabetes:

It is a condition where your body is not responding well to Insulin as it should & blood sugar levels going up as a result. It is the most common type of Diabetes out there. Think of your body as having the key (insulin), but the lock to the door (cells) are resistant or “broken,” making it hard for sugar to enter. This is a lifestyle-related condition often developing later in life. A low-carb diet can improve your body’s ability to use insulin effectively (regain sensitivity) & most people can get off medication, especially in earlier stages.

LADA (Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults):

Similar to Type 1, LADA is an autoimmune condition that attacks insulin-producing cells. But unlike Type 1, the destruction is slower, leaving some insulin production initially. Imagine someone constantly dropping their keys (insulin production) and eventually losing them altogether. LADA can be misdiagnosed as Type 2. Maintaining a healthy diet can slow down the progression of LADA.

MODY (Maturity Onset Diabetes of the Young):

This is also a genetic type of diabetes, but not an autoimmune. It’s caused by a mutation that limits your body’s ability to produce enough insulin from birth, like having a key ring with few keys. There are various subtypes of MODY.



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